Stepping Up as the Star of Your Own Story

What would it be like if a woman not only created her own story but also stepped in as the central character? So many of the archetypal story threads that run through our world today ask women to play small. So many women seek validation from living up to the expectations of others to get approval that we’re enough:  

whether that approval comes from:  

  • - money made, 
  • - tasks accomplished, 
  • - people served,  
  • - or approval from other people in our lives--be they clients, friends, family, or a mate or prospective mate. </span>


This fixation on showing up in others lives in a particular way and winning their approval for our worth means living in someone else’s story. Are we a good enough mother, wife, daughter, friend, boss, employee, consultant, to fulfill their vision of what they want to receive?  

When we engage with archetypal story and step into the frame as the central character of our own journey, we can start mastering our energy better and owning our decisions and voice with greater clarity and confidence.  

When a woman owns her story, her experiences grow richer.  

She can let go of a lot of judgment of herself because she doesn’t need to live up to anyone’s expectations of her except primarily her own. 

When a woman owns her story, she can be the change she wants to see in the world rather than encouraging others to do it for her. When a woman owns her story, she can be the heroine of her own life, saving herself from situations, building allyships, and developing her gifts as a leader and her ability to build success and wealth from a perspective that she is already enough but she is ready for more wealth of experiences. And . . . the payoff for the people in her life can be tremendous.  

She can deepen the level of her authentic connection to her divine feminine central core and become a magnet for the people, things, and experiences that can bring her love, joy, and support the highest possible form for her self-expression.  

Her children (or those she cares for) benefit because she holds divine feminine power in her home more authentically and shows up with greater self-compassion. Because she nurtures herself at this core level, her children are more nurtured too.  

Her mate or partners can benefit because she will be radiating strength, support, and confidence. Because her spiritual self is maturing and deepening, she can hold compassion for others in both their weaknesses and strengths with greater balance and a sense of what is possible.  

Her work and her calling can benefit because she has freed and retrieved so much of the power tied up in the archetypal stories that have contributed to holding her back and keeping her small that her energy now radiates outward like a sunshine, helping her efforts to blossom, and giving energy to help drive her forward to her goals.  

There is great power when a woman steps into her own story.  

The difficulty comes in that there is a big difference between watching an archetypal story play out in a movie theater, book, or even role playing and actually engaging with the archetypal stories directly at an energetic level to evolve for yourself how the energy of the cultural myths and legends shows up and influences your own life.  

It’s not something that can easily be done by yourself. You need safe space, and an experienced and helpful guide.  

The great news is, as an intuitive healer and guide. I can open the archetypal energy threads and go into liminal space with you--the space where myths and legends play out, the space where change happens.  

In the next video, I’ll share more about my work with the feminine archetypal stories and the rise of the divine feminine--and how engaging with these stories directly can help deepen your connection to your sense of self, your alignment, and the power of your leadership. I’ll see you then.  

Xo, Rebecca  

>>P.S. To hear interviews with some of my clients who have stepped up and claimed more of their power, you can listen to Mary’s story here and you can listen to Susan’s story here.  

Rebecca Sederberg Kellogg is an energy mastery mentor and Divine Feminine guide. 

She supports leaders, sensitives, and creatives in caring for their own energy and creating nurturing, transformative spaces for their tribes. She believes when we evolve the stories that hold us back into something more sustaining we create more space for ourselves and our planet to thrive.